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We’ve made it to a new month and we have a ton in store for you!

This month’s theme is self-care and self-love. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day responsibilities and taking care of others. In February, we are taking the time to show ourselves some love and allow ourselves to be priorities. 

Additionally, be on the lookout for delicious chocolate recipes, heart-healthy meal ideas, self-care classes, special class offers, and the introduction of our new wellness grams! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest events and special announcements. 

To kick off our month, here are some ideas to show yourself some love this month. 

1. Practice good sleep hygiene

Making sure you are well rested is the perfect way to show up for yourself and practice self-care. Limit screen time before bed or and turn on night-mode for your electronics earlier. End your day with a relaxing stretch, journal reflection for the day, reading, conversation with a loved one, or your favorite way to wind down. 

Setting a consistent bedtime and wake time also helps give yourself a routine that promotes the best quality sleep. Most phones have settings that can remind you to wind down and will turn your phone on “do not disturb” mode. 

2. Connect with a loved one

You don’t need to be alone just because you’re focusing on caring about yourself this month. Taking time for genuine and intentional connections with people you care about is a form of self-love. Prioritize the relationships that are important to you and remind a loved one that you care.

We’re beginning to offer wellness grams this month for another fun way to connect!

3. Appreciate your body for what it does for you

No matter what shape, size, health status, or other, you deserve to feel comfortable and valid in your skin! Yes, we may have different goals to get stronger or feel healthier, but we can still appreciate ourselves along the way. Take time to thank yourself and your body this week for doing all of the amazing things it does.

4. Feed yourself well

We have tons of fun recipes for you to try this month! Nourishing your body and enjoying what you’re eating are great ways to take care of yourself. Food is good for the mind, body, and soul.

5. Reflect on your needs

Having needs doesn’t make you needy or not capable. This month, take some time out to figure out what you need, where your priorities lay, and what you can do to ensure that these needs are met. We all need a little help sometimes, practice reaching out and expressing these needs when you are looking for support. 

We’re so excited for everything we have coming this month! Tag us on Facebook and Instagram when you share all of the ways you’re showing yourself some love this month and follow along with us.