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sacred sunday

Sacred Sunday-July 20

Welcome to July 20th, 2018 Sacred Sunday we hope you had an amazing week!

Personal Calendar Review:

Megan plans to do a circuit workout at home in the morning and will either take a walk from 4:00-4:30pm before class or hop on the treadmill if it’s too hot. She is also planning to make a double portion of one-pan chicken and broccolini with Romanesco sauce on Sunday so that leftovers are ready to re-heat when she gets home late after class. (Ps: the Easy One Pan Meal and Romanesco Sauce are both in your workbooks!)

Heather plans to do a 60 min interval peloton cycle class from 5:30-6:30 am while her kids are sleeping. Because Mondays are extremely busy days she’s carved out   1:00-1:30pm for relaxation & deep breathing to set her up for a successful afternoon. Sunday evening she preps not only lunches but two evening meals a week that help with the late days. (this week its vegan veggie chili)

Exercise Appointments:

Have you tried the REACH circuit class yet? If you are new to circuit training or are looking for a workout group with a weight loss emphasis, join our trainer David on Tuesdays and Thursdays at either 6:00pm or 6:45pm. Challenge yourself to try at least one circuit (or new) class this week and be sure you schedule it in!

Meal Prep:

Try focusing on vegetable prep this week. Look ahead at your meal plan to see how certain veggies need to be cut or prepared so they are ready to cook right when you get home. If you’re making lots of salads this week, chop/dice/slice the veggies so they are ready to be tossed in minutes! If you’re planning to make the crockpot tofu curry from your workbook, put the sliced bell peppers and chopped zucchini in a Ziploc baggie labeled “Curry” so all you have to do is pour them into the crockpot when you’re ready! Use this same idea for snacks too: cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots and celery all do well for up to 5 days if you chop them ahead of time and pre-bag them for grab-and-go snacks all week long!

Recharge Mental Health & Self-Care:

As you dive into this REACH program what support do you need? What deficit or lack needs to be addressed, where can you receive pleasure that isn’t food based? Take some time and journal ideas that help to create a whole self-wellness plan and schedule in time to recharge!

Your Weekly Intention:

If you have a specific intention that’s wonderful if not we would love to offer you ours:



Lately we have been seeing a theme- people are giving themselves permission to let go of their weekday eating and exercise structure and that starts to thwart progress. Let’s start seeing the weekends as more chances to move and eat well while enjoying our friends and family. I promise a non-bloated Monday body will feel much better than a sluggish one!

Intention setting

  • Take three deep breaths.
  • As you become present ask yourself one or all of these questions “what is my desire for this week? What do I most want to happen in this coming week? How do I want to feel as I go about my days? What do I most want to accomplish in support of my personal and professional goals?”
  • As the answers develop write down what comes to mind, choose a word, a phrase or a sentence that describes your highest intention.

Such as:  I am STRONG, I can do this,  let go of the weight, radical productivity, I will walk in gratitude, I choose authentic connections, I deserve to be at a happy healthy weight, I choose to forgive, I am working towards a strong and healthy body.